Nick White

Praying for Thanington … praying for Saxon Fields.

Saxon Fields is the new housing development which is underway in Thanington, to the south of Cockering Road. There are currently around 150 homes built and occupied. Last Sunday afternoon, Revd Nick and Clary visited Saxon Fields, with the help of some students from Youth With A Mission.

The aim was simply to meet some of the residents who have moved in over the past couple of years, to find out how things were going for people on this new estate and to offer to pray for them and their families. We hope that in some small way this is an expression of God’s love.

A lot of people were not at home , no doubt enjoying the good weather. But it was lovely to chat with some people on the doorstep, to find out how they are settling in and what it is like living here, to give information about Thanington Parish Church and to pray for those who asked. We met people who had been some of the first to move in as well as people who had only been there a couple of months. We met people of different nationalities and faiths.

Later that day , one resident got in touch to say: “Thank you for reaching out. It really cheered me up! I will certainly get down to St Nicholas Church and see what you’re all about.” We will be glad to welcome them and we will be glad to welcome you. Maybe you are looking to meet othsr people in Thanington, looking for somewhere to worship, looking to explore the Christian faith, or just looking for something more to life (even if you’re not sure what it is!). You are welcome at Thanington Parish Church. More information about what we do can be found on our wesbite.

If you weren’t in on Sunday afternoon, but would like to request prayer for something particular, please click on the Prayer button on our website. If you would like somebody from the church to visit you, please get in touch using the contact form on our website or email

Praying for Thanington … praying for Saxon Fields. Read More »

Cyclist raises money for Thanington lychgate.

David Weeks has raised over £500 towards the reapir of Thanington lychgate by cycling 362 miles from Canterbury to York. Here he is pictured outside York Minster.

David set off from Canterbury Cathedral on Saturday 13th May. His journey took him from Canterbury to Billericay on day 1, from Billericay to Hauxton on day 2., from Hauxton to Stamford on day 3, from Stamford to Grantham on day 4, and from Grantham to Retford on day 5, and finally from Retford to York on day 6.

After 362 miles of cycling over 5 days, David arrived in York, both both he and the bicyle in one piece. On completing the cycle-ride, David said “My sincerest thanks to all who have donated, your generosity spurred me on especially when I was feeling pretty flat and exhausted.”

David’s aim was to raise £500 and he has raised £540 through his Just Giving page. To find out more about why he decided to do this and to see a few photos of his journey, please visit

Thanks to David and to to all who sponsored him, Thanington Parish Church is now a step closer to raising the £24,000 cost for the lychgate to be repaired and restored this summer.

Cyclist raises money for Thanington lychgate. Read More »

Half way there

We’re now half way to our target of £24,000 to pay for the repair and restoration of Thanington lychgate, so that it will be part of our heritage in Thanington for years to come.

Thanks for the many donations so far (both small and large) We’ve now raised a total of £12,000, not least thanks to a significant donation from the Brett family, who have had a strong connection with Thanington for a number of generations.  It’s encouraging to feel the support of the local community for this project.

The question now is … where will the other £12000 come from?

Firstly, we are awaiting the outcome of a number of other grant applications and we hope at least some of those will be successful.

Secondly, one of our congregation is doing a sponsored cycle ride from Canterbury to York (see our previous news story for more details). Other members of the church are organising a number of small fund-raising events:

Thirdly, we are inviting residents and people who have a connection with Thanington to sponsor a tile. Although the contractors aim to re-use as much of the original materials in the restoration of the lychgate, they estimate that we will need to replace around 400 Kent peg tiles. We are inviting people to sponsor a tile at £5 each.  That would amount to £2000 in total. We will keep a list of sponsors for our archives as evidence of the support of local residents. More about that in our next news story on this website.

Thanks again for your interest and support as we seek to preserve this heritage

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Cycling for the lychgate

Bicycle by Thanington lychgate

From May 13th – 19th David Weeks will be undertaking an epic journey on this bike from Canterbury Cathedral to York Minister to help raise funds to restore the Lychgate at St. Nicholas Church in Thanington, Canterbury. 

DAY 1 – Canterbury to Billericay (66 miles); DAY 2 – Billericay to Hauxton (53 miles); DAY 3 – Hauxton to Stamford (61 miles); DAY 4 – Stamford to Grantham (48 miles); DAY 5 – Grantham to Retford (46 miles); DAY 6 – Retford to York (62 miles). TOTAL 336 miles

David writes …

Local landmarks take root in the history of a place and are what give a place it’s character. The lychgate at St Nicholas Church has been an historic landmark in Thanington since 1871. It may not be the size of the cathedral but it is hard not to notice as you drive or cycle past as you may have done on your way into or out of Canterbury. It is a structure that many have walked through on their way to worship, perhaps to mark significant times in the life of family and friends at baptisms, weddings or funerals. Some will have taken shelter under the lychgate in passing storm or may just have hung out with friends under it’s shade. What is true though is that the lychgate of St. Nicholas would be missed in Canterbury by its absence and the city would be poorer without it.

Sadly time, nature and the elements have had their effect on it. The lychgate is now in poor shape and it urgently needs work to restore the structure to put it on a firm footing, so that it continues to be a feature in Thanington and for those who pass through for many years to come. To restore it in a way which makes it safe and preserves its historic character, will cost an estimated £24,000 which is well beyond the means of the church’s regular congregation.

To that end would you consider sponsoring David to raise money toward this project and help to preserve what is an iconic local landmark for generations to come. So far £12,000 has been raised thanks to donations and fundraising events. Please help us raise the rest. 

You can sponsor David via the Just Giving website

Any donations welcome – small and large. Thank you!

You will be able to follow David’s progress on  Instagram, @purpleirisphotography

You will be able to follow David’s progress on Facebook …. …. and Instagram ….  @purpleirisphotography


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Love your Lychgate

The lychgate at St Nicholas Church has been a historic landmark in Thanington since 1871. Perhaps you have been one of many who have walked through it on your way to worship or to mark significant times in the life of family and friends at baptisms, weddings or funerals? Or maybe you took shelter under the lychgate, hanging out with friends?

We would love to see any familiy photos you have with the lychgate, perhaps from some of those special occasions? If you would like to share a photo, please click use our ‘Get in touch’ page to make contact. It would be great to take copies and create a display of the lychgate’s history with photos from Thanington residents.

Unfortunately, the lychgate is now in poor shape. It needs urgent work to restore the structure and put it on a firm footing, so that it continues to be a feature in Thanington for many years to come. To restore it in a way which makes it safe and preserves its historic character, will cost an estimated £24,000. This is well beyond the means of our regular congregation. We are applying for grants towards the cost, but this takes time and there are no guarantees. So we also need to raise money locally from people who care about Thanington.

Do you value Thanington Parish Church? Would you like to help keep this historic building in good shape for future generations? Do you want the lychgate to remain as a historic landmark in Thanington?

If so, please consider making a donation. Imagine if hundreds of people each gave a little, according to what they could afford. We know that with the rising cost of living and energy bills that this is just not an option for some. But for those who are able, please visit our giving page for information on how you can give to Thanington Parish Church.

The best way to give online to the church is through Parish Giving. To do this, visit and search for Thanington. We will receive all of your donation. Parish Giving does not take a cut.  And if you are a taxpayer, Parish Giving can claim tax relief on your donation and give the church an extra 25% of what you donate.  So if a taxpayer donates £10 and makes a gift-aid declaration, the church will receive an extra £2.50 gift-aid from HMRC.

Lets work together to love our lychgate.

Revd Nick White

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