
Baptism word cloud

Baptism is an outward sign of an inner spiritual reality. It marks the beginning of somebody’s journey of faith as a Christian and it is a welcome into the church family. The Church of England baptises both adults and children into the Christian faith. 

Infant baptism

Infant baptism is also known as christening. It is offered on the understanding that parents will raise their child as a Christian, with the support of godparents and the local church. We hope and pray that as the child grows up, they will choose to make the Christian faith their own and choose to be confirmed in their faith when they are older. Click on this link for more information about infant baptism in the Church of England

How do I arrange the  baptism?

If you would like your child to be baptised at Thanington Parish Church, there are three steps:

1. Come to one of our Sunday services and speak to the person leading the service.  Services take place at 10am every week and at 4pm on the first Sunday of the month.  Each service lasts about an hour.

2. Baptism preparation – this is a  time to talk about the Christian faith,  what baptism/christening means to you and what it means to the church. It is also an opportunity to talk about the practicalities of the baptism service.

3. After the baptism preparation, if you wish to go ahead with the baptism we will book a date. This may need to be two or three months ahead. If you decide you are not ready to go ahead with a baptism, the church can also offer a service of thanksgiving for a new child. 

Who can bring their child for baptism at Thanington Parish Church?  

You may bring a child for baptism here if you meet one or more of the following:

  • currently live in the parish of St Nicholas and St Faith, Thanington;
  • on the Electoral Roll of the parish;
  • regularly attend worship in the parish;
  • have a previous connection to this parish church because you (or your parents) were married in the church or participated regularly in the life of the church.

If you are unsure which Church of England parish you are living in, please visit , type in your address to the search box and it will show you a map with your local Church of England Parish marked on it.

Adult baptism

Adults and children who are old enough to make their own decisions about faith may be baptised into the Christian faith either by sprinkling or by full immersion.  Here are the three steps: 

1. Meet with the vicar to talk about your desire to be baptised and what has lead you to this decision.

2. Complete a short course to  find out  more about the core beliefs and practices of the Christian faith. This will help you to better understand what it means to be baptised into the Christian faith.

3. Meet with the vicar again to talk about what baptism means to you, what baptism means to the church, and whether you are ready to take this step.  If you do wish to go ahead, we will set a date for the baptism service.

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