Half way there

We’re now half way to our target of £24,000 to pay for the repair and restoration of Thanington lychgate, so that it will be part of our heritage in Thanington for years to come.

Thanks for the many donations so far (both small and large) We’ve now raised a total of £12,000, not least thanks to a significant donation from the Brett family, who have had a strong connection with Thanington for a number of generations.  It’s encouraging to feel the support of the local community for this project.

The question now is … where will the other £12000 come from?

Firstly, we are awaiting the outcome of a number of other grant applications and we hope at least some of those will be successful.

Secondly, one of our congregation is doing a sponsored cycle ride from Canterbury to York (see our previous news story for more details). Other members of the church are organising a number of small fund-raising events:

Thirdly, we are inviting residents and people who have a connection with Thanington to sponsor a tile. Although the contractors aim to re-use as much of the original materials in the restoration of the lychgate, they estimate that we will need to replace around 400 Kent peg tiles. We are inviting people to sponsor a tile at £5 each.  That would amount to £2000 in total. We will keep a list of sponsors for our archives as evidence of the support of local residents. More about that in our next news story on this website.

Thanks again for your interest and support as we seek to preserve this heritage

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