Hello from Christa

Hi! I’m Christa, the new curate with the parish of Thanington, St Nicholas and St Faith.

I’m delighted to be here, along with my husband Jon, who is a business consultant. We have two daughters, who are at school in Canterbury, and loving it! We have moved from London where I served with a network of five churches in the East End: the main one was St John at Hackney. I got to see there how God is breathing fresh life into His Church.

One of my passions is creativity: I like to write, create, & I love a good party! I am looking forward to serving the vision of Thanington Parish Church to reach families in the area with God’s love. Messy Church is a great creative space for this and I am excited to be part of the team making that happen once a month. In September we ran it for the first time and welcomed 35 children with their parents/carers into church.

I am also doing a short placement with the Chaplaincy at University of Kent. Canterbury is buzzing with students so I am thrilled to be able to come alongside them.

I love building people up, so in particular, if you are at a bit of a crossroads in life, I would love to meet up with you and see how God might want to encourage you, too!

Every Blessing,


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