Pray for Thanington

Logo with words inside an outline map of Thanington parish

Come and pray for Thanington!

We sense a growing call to join with other Christians, regardless of denomination, to
pray together for God’s kingdom to come and God’s will to be done in Thanington as in Heaven.

We are inviting you to gather for an informal time of prayer on Sunday 8th
September from 6pm – 7pm, at St Faiths Hall, in New House Lane. This is a
comfortable space which overlooks Thanington and the City of Canterbury. Our
intention is to make this a regular gathering on the second Sunday of every month.

We all have other responsibilities too. Therefore, we will honour the time
commitment to pray together for 1 hour only, recognising that prayer will be ongoing
in our personal lives and in our congregations.

We hope you can join us. It would be encouraging to know if you plan to come. But
you are also welcome to just turn up!

For more details, contact Rev Christa Brodie-Levinsohn and Rev Nick White

Thanington Parish Church.

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